Man working at home in front of PC

Understanding the Email Threat Landscape

Email is an indispensable communication tool in today’s business world, but it also represents one of the most significant vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals have increasingly targeted email systems, making email security a critical concern for any organisation. This blog will explore the current email threat landscape, shedding light on why robust email security is more essential than…

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Understanding Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering attacks are one of the most prevalent and insidious threats in the cybersecurity landscape. These attacks exploit human psychology rather than technical vulnerabilities, making them particularly dangerous. This blog will explore the various types of social engineering attacks, their mechanisms, and best practices for prevention. What is Social Engineering? Social engineering involves manipulating…

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The Essential Role of Cloud Backup – Part 3

In the midst of digital transformation, the need to protect business data against diverse threats has become critically important. The migration to cloud computing has dispersed data across various platforms, revealing the insufficiencies of traditional backup methods, like those in Microsoft 365, in providing comprehensive data protection. This new landscape demands more advanced, secure, and…

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The Essential Role of Cloud Backup – Part 2

In an era where digital transformation dictates the pace of business growth, the integrity of data stands as the cornerstone of organisational resilience. However, the omnipresence of data across various platforms and services introduces inherent risks of loss, often magnified by the complex threat landscape and the nuances of cloud services like Microsoft 365. Understanding…

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Understanding Honeypots: The First Line of Cyber Deception

What are Honeypots? Honeypots are decoy systems, services, or data setups that are intended to mimic legitimate parts of a network to attract and identify cyber attackers. They are designed to appear vulnerable and valuable, luring attackers away from real assets. Once attackers interact with a honeypot, their methods, tactics, and sometimes even their identities…

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The Critical Role of Attack Surface Monitoring in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is not a static arena; it’s a relentless game of cat and mouse where staying one step ahead is the only way to ensure safety. For businesses striving to safeguard their digital domains, understanding and managing the attack surface through Attack Surface Monitoring (ASM) is not just a technical exercise – it’s a vital…

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Man working at home in front of PC

The Perils of Credential Stuffing: Unpacking the Risks and Mitigation Strategies

In the evolving landscape of cyber threats, credential stuffing emerges as a formidable challenge for businesses across the globe. This type of cyberattack leverages automated tools to test stolen login credentials against numerous platforms, aiming for unauthorised access. Its implications are profound, affecting not just the security but the very integrity of a business. In…

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Ransomware: The Leading Cyberthreat Facing Education

Ransomware attacks are skyrocketing According to antivirus firm Sophos 48% of UK organisations have been hit by ransomware attacks in the last year. Trend Micro’s 2019 ransomware report also indicates that ransomware activity is on the rise, with over 40 million ransomware “detections” made between January and April 2019 – compared to just over 50…

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WAN image showing all the various devices that a WAN connects together. Image is outlined by a stylised S with Syscomm's blue and green brand colours

Digital Transformation Starts with the Network

The Role of The Network in Digital Transformation Businesses need to embrace modern network technologies and security to fully take advantage of the promises of Digital Transformation Digital Transformation can be seen as the integration of digital technology into all aspects of your business, extending deeply into the organisation, mixing and intersecting with a great…

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